Hey everyone! I am going to make a guess and say you’re here because you want to learn how to make a real estate website with WordPress and you’ve come across this site or a tutorial that we have created on the Houzez Theme.
How exiting! Welcome!
This tutorial is going to use the Houzez theme to make a real estate website with WordPress. The Houzez theme is the #1 real estate theme for WordPress (according to the ThemeForest website) and also the most popular real estate WordPress theme on the Envato Marketplace.
This tutorial will give an overview of the video tutorial we have and also provide guidelines for how we use the Houzez theme so you can make a real estate website with WordPress, whether you are a beginner or advance user of WordPress.
First we’ll go over setting up a WordPress website, incase you need to do that. Then we’ll get the Houzez theme and install it and go through how to use the Elementor page builder plugin to create a real estate website or real estate agency website.
#1: Get Hosting and Install WordPress